Friday, October 9, 2015

How to Configure the Data Guard broker?

Data Guard broker is a nice tool to switch over and fail over the database in data guard environment. Using data guard broker is like a driving a car with navigation system. Hence, if broker fails in the middle of switch over, then we don't know where we are and we got to troubleshoot and see which step it failed.

I personally use manual switch over and of course there are some database i use broker too.

How do we configure the broker?  Please follow these steps.

My Database info :

Primary database devdb12
Standby database  devdb12_dg

Step 1  Configuring the broker parameters

Set initialization parameter DG_BROKER_START to a value of TRUE on both databasesso that Data Guard Broker background process (DMON) would start automatically whenever a Data Guard configuration was successfully implemented.

ALTER SYSTEM SET dg_broker_start = TRUE;

Broker creates two data file to store the information. It creates on the default directory$ORACLE_HOME/dbs.  We can also change the directory by using the below command.

alter system set dg_broker_config_file1 = '/data01/dbArch/' scope=both;
alter system set dg_broker_config_file2 = '/data01/dbArch/' scope=both;

Step 2   Configuring the listener.

During actions like a swichtover and a failover the Dataguard Broker interface will stop and start the instances. The Dataguard Broker Interface needs static registration of the databases in the listener.ora files. The required format is db_unique_name_DGMGRL[.db_domain].

The below entry should be in primary database listener.ora file. Listener should be up and running.

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = 99.999.99.999)(PORT = 1521))

   (SID_DESC =
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = devdb12)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /ora/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
      (SID_NAME = devdb12)
   (SID_DESC =
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = devdb12_dgmgrl)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /ora/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
      (SID_NAME = devdb12)

The below entry should be in standby database listener.ora file. Listener should be up and running.

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = 99.999.99.999)(PORT = 1521))

   (SID_DESC =
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = devdb12_dg)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /ora/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
      (SID_NAME = devdb12_dg)
   (SID_DESC =
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = devdb12_dg_dgmgrl)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /ora/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
      (SID_NAME = devdb12_dg)

Step 3   Create the broker for primary database. This command can be executed onlyon primary database.  Use the CREATE CONFIGURATION command to initialize a Data Guard Broker configuration named devdb12_broker, and confirm its creation with the SHOW CONFIGURATION command:

create configuration 'devdb12_broker' as
primary database is devdb12
connect identifier is devdb12;

show configuration

Step 4 Add the broker for standby database. This command can be excuted only on primary database. If we have three standby then, we need to add broker config for three times on the primary database.

add database devdb12_dg as
 connect identifier is devdb12_dg
 maintained as physical;

show configuration

Step 5  Enabling the broker

Issue the ENABLE CONFIGURATION command to activate the configuration and then confirm the successful activation of the primary and standby databases via the SHOW DATABASE command:

enable configuration;

show database devdb12
show database devdb12_dg

Show configuration

Now you are done with Broker setup! :-)

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